Tag environment

The Dark Tale of Chemical use on Agricultural Land

Not all revolutionary movements mark a deep impact on lives of entire population across the globeWhen we discuss about revolutions, social revolts and its merits are highlighted but among these a major revolution which changed the fate of entire mankind…

My journey at Tarumitra

The chirping of birds, the gust and the mist,Everyday in nature is wonderful, everyday a feast. On 13th December 2021, when I joined Tarumitra as an intern, I was delighted and motivated to core being surrounded by the spirit of…

EIA 2020 & Its Implications

The Ministry Of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India put forward a draft- Environmental Impact Assessment Notification, dated March 23, 2020 (“Draft EIA Notification”) earlier this year on April 11,2020. The Draft EIA Notification purpose is to replace…

Environment sustainability

Environmental sustainability is defined as responsible interaction with the environment to avoid depletion or degradation of natural resources and allow for long term environmental quality. This is a great way to ensure that the needs of the present generation is…