Category Feminism


I was delighted when I joined Tarumitra’s internship program because being in political science stream, the knowledge and innovative ideas and startegies I learnt here amazed me to the core. I experienced the beauty of nature and thrill of working…

The consequences of Global Warming

Every summer we hear the same news- ‘The temperature this year has exceeded previous years’. This shows that the temperature is significantly increasing and the last decade is the perfect example showing the effects of increased earth’s temperature.  This drastic…

Wildlife Status In India

India- the land  of natural miracles and heavenly resources. India encompasses approximately 2% of total forest area in the world. However the forest here is the habitat of millions of flora and fauna. According to the IUCN Red book, among…

Gender, Women And Environmental Sanitation

Feminine hygiene is a serious matter in maintaining safe and sanitized surroundings for us to reside in. Women being primary caretakers of the households and rural properties, it is of utmost importance that their sanitation is taken care of with appropriate provision of water, clean toilets and menstrual hygiene.