Category Environment

China’s Carbon trading scheme

Recently China has launched the world's biggest carbon trading system to help lower carbon emissions, but critics and analysts have raised doubts about whether it will have a significant impact. Sources said that China is the world's biggest emitter of the greenhouse gases that drive climate change, and the scheme is part of its efforts to decarbonise and reduce the effect that causes by it.

How Plastics Are Affecting Aquatic Life

The world doesn't belong to us to manipulate. We have to heal and repair what we have wounded and destroyed. We have come too far and become too blinded to see our selfish side of just seeing our comfort needs. It's time to take a step forward towards cleaner earth, greener earth motive. Mend it before it's too late to reverse the condition of our environment.

Gender, Women And Environmental Sanitation

Feminine hygiene is a serious matter in maintaining safe and sanitized surroundings for us to reside in. Women being primary caretakers of the households and rural properties, it is of utmost importance that their sanitation is taken care of with appropriate provision of water, clean toilets and menstrual hygiene.

How Plastics Are Dangerous to the Environment

Using biodegradable and organic compounds for creating a plastic-free zone on the earth has become the number one priority. The plastic has been accumulating for an awfully long period. The plastic has gotten itself into water bodies and the landfill. Where it affects the living of marine life and land animals. To reduce the use and waste of plastic is by substituting it with other natural biodegradable materials like paper bag, cotton cloth bag and aluminium container. Which can easily recycle to produce fresh material again for daily use.

Environment- A Beautiful Gift

Growing and nurturing the plant is not limited to saving the environment but also making your living comfortable and sterile. It also includes the saving of other natural resources with energy sources. To learn about the flora. To benefit yourself from the plants naturally. The list of plants provided in the content help in making the house clean. Live an extensively healthier lifestyle.