Tag biodiversity

How Can I Reduce My Carbon Footprints.

We all can practice some important actions to help conserve nature and reduce our carbon footprint, to preserve our own well-being, and to guarantee that natural resources are available for future generations. International groups of scientists, working on various environmental issues, provided ideas what we can do to help conserve nature. Those ideas were grouped into three main categories: 1. Actions to reduce our ecological footprint; 2. Actions to conserve nature; 3. Actions to connect with nature.

China’s Carbon trading scheme

Recently China has launched the world's biggest carbon trading system to help lower carbon emissions, but critics and analysts have raised doubts about whether it will have a significant impact. Sources said that China is the world's biggest emitter of the greenhouse gases that drive climate change, and the scheme is part of its efforts to decarbonise and reduce the effect that causes by it.