Category Plastic Pollution

Solving The Problem Of Plastic – Brick by Brick

The use of plastic has increased the ingestion of microplastic in the body of animals and even humans. Microplastic is harder to collect and recycle. The start of eco bricking or also known as plastic bricks were cleaned and dried plastic is crammed together in a plastic bottle. Big pieces cut into small and padded inside the bottle. With just inorganic matter. And used as a building block for a bench or a creative structure. The blocks are sturdy like bricks.

World Without Plastic

The earth without plastic is healthy. The single-use plastic is the more important and necessary fiend to be dealt with first. There are countries like Rwanda going zero plastic usage. Putting a price on using plastic has reduced the use of plastic. Using bioplastic significantly comes to the limelight for its easier procedures for the disposal material. The use of seaweed water bubble instead of a single-use plastic water bottle. The International costal clean day for the cleaning up of the plastic deposited in the ocean bed.

How Plastics Are Dangerous to the Environment

Using biodegradable and organic compounds for creating a plastic-free zone on the earth has become the number one priority. The plastic has been accumulating for an awfully long period. The plastic has gotten itself into water bodies and the landfill. Where it affects the living of marine life and land animals. To reduce the use and waste of plastic is by substituting it with other natural biodegradable materials like paper bag, cotton cloth bag and aluminium container. Which can easily recycle to produce fresh material again for daily use.