Not all revolutionary movements mark a deep impact on lives of entire population across the globe
When we discuss about revolutions, social revolts and its merits are highlighted but among these a major revolution which changed the fate of entire mankind remains confined to only textbooks and seminar halls. Here, I am speaking of ‘ Green Revolution ‘.
Green revolution started in early 1960s by revolutionary father Norman Borlaug. The wave of Green Revolution changed the fate of fields and farmers by increasing the production of various food grains. As the green revolution was taking pace, the craze for chemical pesticides and fertilizers also took a peak. The conventional methods and conventional organic manure was pushed aside. And this was the beginning of land’s deterioration. The excess use of these chemicals slowly with the expense of time turned to be fatal for fertility of land
The fertile land slowly started turning barren.
The increasing population demanded more crops but at the expense of excess chemicals and the outcome was decrease in quality of land, food and health. Is it really worth? A barren land marks as a curse to the land holder who irrigates his/ her sweat , plants his/ her dreams and then the aspirations turn to a nightmare- a loss in investment of time, hardwork and pieces of broken dreams shattered everywhere.
The water drained from such fertilizer sprayed land when meets the nearby water resources, the result is incredibly terrible. It not only pollutes the water sources but increases the BOD. The water ecosystem is hampered. Many fish and underwater flora face a degraded ecosystem. The endangered and rare species of flora and fauna and more prone to extinction. Such chemical pesticides and fertilizers have high tenancy towards biomagnification. Let me explain you the hazards with the instance of DDT biomagnification.
Just imagine a small concentration of DDT in water- 0.000003 ppm. You may think such a small concentration is mere negligible but the upcoming facts might blow your mind. This very concentration of DDT in water tends to biomagnify to 0.04 ppm in zooplanktons, to 0.5 ppm in small fish, to 2 ppm in large fish and 25 ppm in fish eating birds. And 25 ppm of DDT – it’s a really large concentration to degrade the bird ecosystem. Their future progeny have to see the consequences that of severe mutation and health hazards.
This example of DDT is just the effect of a single chemical. Think how many different types of chemicals are drained to water sources everyday and what fate might this bring to the flora and fauna there as well as nearby and dependent ecosystems. In long run, it can cause mutation in human beings too causing a rise in chromosomal anomalies. All these consequences can be controlled by using organic manures as fertilizers and selective prey- pedator relationship for pesticide control. We all together can build a really beautiful and healthy future together. Take the step and discourage the use of chemicals on your land.