Every journey teaches us and tests us on our learnings in ways unknown. Be it an internship or be it our daily day, they all make a journey. Some days might be as beautiful like a blooming garden while other not so. What matters is that they all are important. My journey with Tarumitra was more of like a blooming garden. I learned, I discovered and I understood the real depth of the situation I am currently in.
Isn’t it ironical that we as humans say, believe and act like we are the “ultimate superpower” but at the same time we are completely and without any other option dependent on nature? As a superpower isn’t it our duty to protect the same nature we are so dependent on, through which we harness all our energy? As a superpower and the “ultimate consumer” should we not be concerned about our own future? Death due to starvation or because of millions of microplastics in our body should this be our future?
These were the questions that swirled through my mind on those night while I awake and thinking about anything and everything. In today’s world we are so busy that we rarely think about these grave (in reality) or for some not so urgent topics (in their mind). My internship with Tarumitra helped me get around these questions, solve them and implement their solutions in my day to day life.
Today I know what are Producers Responsibility Organizations (PROs), their function and how they are helping me reach my goal of curbing plastic pollution. Did you know that there are 51 PROs in India? One of them might be in your area too. I even learned that the plastic that I am so leisurely throwing out from my house is consumed by the marine animals and in turn by me as microplasctics. One of the many reasons for so many diseases and deaths. Some of the fun facts I came across are plastics are not only used as wrapper’s but also to make walls and furniture’s. Yes, you read that right! There is a marine biologist named Heather Koldewey, she assessed the flow of the plastic in the ocean with the help of a GPS tracker and come across some local ways to curb the plastic pollution in its first step.
Through this internship I not only learned about the real time situation of plastic but in ways more than one I have improved. I have upgraded my skill set with respect to leadership, creative writing, time management, how to work in a team, organizational skills, innovativeness, social media skills. I can say that I’ll be signing off taking more than what I had come with and its all thanks to my mentor and team for guiding me and pushing me to do all that I have completed.
One of the most beautiful day of my journey was when we had all met for our plastic survey. That was the first time we meet as a team. The excitement and enthusiasm was sky soaring since the first day of its planning. It was that day when I realized the true meaning to working and having fun. It was that I day I realized what people actually meant and felt when they said “True peace and satisfaction after a long day of work”. The photos that we took the end of the day or the view of all us sitting together physically for the first time laughing, smiling, giggling, enjoying, talking, sharing, eating will be forever imprinted in my mind. I hope all of us learn and achieve all that we wish and deserve. Most of all I wish for everyone’s everlasting happiness and good health. It was a pleasure to work, learn and grow with you and a big thank you for the same.
This is me Komal Salagare, signing off…